
The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money. — James Madison
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March 2014

ixCFO Coverage - The Global ANALYST / March 2014 issue - Managing cost of finance function ( COFF) - Page 12 – 14

The Globle Analyst
March 2014.pdf

Please find coverage on above subject matter for your kind perusal by IxCFO ( Page 12 & 14) based on experience of multiple CFO mandates managing the complete finance function in a process centric ways & how important is to look at the cost of finance function. At IxCFO, we constantly measure and optimise this bringing significant improvement across processes, reporting and talent retention.

(The Global Analyst is monthly business magazine in India with 70,000+ subscriber base across wide segment )

May 2013

ixCFO – Shared CFO Services – A promising future

Covered by The Global Analyst – Flagship magazine on Business & Finance with all India subscription base of around 80,000 subscribers.

The Globle Analyst
May 2013.pdf

May 2013 issue of the above magazine and (page 39-42) covering undersigned's interview giving perspective on our model & services offering.

Trust you will find the same informative & promise to enrich business community. Knowledge & spirit of our team at IxCFO will continue to work and add value to vast MSME sector in India in time to come.

June 2013

CFO's lead role in SME

Sanjay Gaggar write the seven critical role of CFO which plays important role in integrating business & finance

March 2013

ixCFO writes on different ways of sourcing funding to SME business owners


ixCFO writes on importance of budgeting process in business


ixCFO column in on Role of CFO's in SME/Start-ups

Feb.2012 (Timesgroup)

ixCFO looks after financial health of SMEs - Coverage