Joining ixCFO : Associate Partnership Programme :
ixCFO is a strong Financial Controller/CFO level team that provides an innovative and well-marketed platform for distinctive CFO and Financial Controller services. Entrepreneurial-minded, FC/CFOs who join our Firm benefit from a team with shared values and common commitment to excellence in client service.
We firmly believe that scale is multiplicative in terms of marketing, brand, mind-share/awareness, the breadth and depth of skills the firm can bring to bear and the efficient utilization of Network/In-house resources. Clearly the whole is much more than the sum of the parts.
Successful sole-practitioners joining ixCFO platform can leverage several key advantages:
Be a part of a winning team WITH ethically, intellectually, professionally, economically more rewarding at a fundamental level, and more fun, more Enrichment as well;
Leverage shared operating structure: Knowledge management across various sectors on FC/CFO Services with clear differentiated modularity level structured but customizable engagement, financial intermediary compliance for higher level of success fee based M&A and capital raise transactions; personnel background checks/alertS; office sales/marketing supplies; website/email/hosting, and (most significantly) marketing WITH UNIQUE BRANDING ;
Profit from opportunities that you either could not win alone or could not complete alone or both due to aggregation benefit in terms of rich network across businesses
Have organizational weight and scale needed to efficiently and effectively market services (e.g. ixCFO website, conference booth/sponsorships, press releases, email News Letter Bulletin out to more than 10,000+ people across clients/Linkedin, google search, paid search, panel participations, referral program, trade advertising – we are steadily increasing marketing and brand-building on all fronts );
Have organizational resources and scale needed to deploy and leverage Network Partners which improves your work, lowers cost for clients, means less grudge work that you don’t want to do;
Build a practice within a Firm with a highly respected, significant market presence long-term which is growing 70-80% per annum in last 5 years despite tough market;
Potentially participate in equity value long term if awarded Partnership via clearly defined ESOP Structure ;
Fundamentally, FC/CFOs have uniformly experienced greater earnings potential on board with our Firm than during their prior experience as sole practitioners with high level of intellectual enriching CFO/FC practice in engagement.
We also believe that the key to accretion is: (1) bringing on truly exceptional people with shared values, (2) simultaneously adding new clients and successful engagements, and (3) offering premium economic rewards tied to individual contributions in building a great Firm.
In summary, our professionals are at ixCFO because they’re realizing, “It’s a place to enrich, I’m better than I used to be, and I’m growing every day – making a huge difference in helping entrepreneurial SME companies succeed.”